TORONTO, Ontario (AP) -- A giant ice shelf the size of 11,000 football fields has snapped free from Canada's Arctic, scientists said.
The mass of ice broke clear 16 months ago from the coast of Ellesmere Island, about 800 kilometers (497 miles) south of the North Pole, but no one was present to see it in Canada's remote north.
Scientists using satellite images later noticed that it became a newly formed ice island in just an hour and left a trail of icy boulders floating in its wake. Read more
Sunday, January 7, 2007
Ancient ice shelf breaks free from Canadian Arctic
Posted by
Arhan Efha
2:55 AM
Scientists Discover Stellar Bombs With Short Fuses
An unusually thick veil of gas discovered around the remains of two stellar corpses suggests some stars might have short fuses that allow them to explode much sooner than their peers.
Such "prompt" supernovas could provide scientists with a new way of studying events in the early history of the cosmos.Read more
Posted by
Arhan Efha
1:53 AM
Saturday, January 6, 2007
Borneo a hotbed of new species
GENEVA, Switzerland (AP) -- Scientists have discovered at least 52 new species of animals and plants on the southeast Asian island of Borneo since 2005, including a catfish with protruding teeth and suction cups on its belly to help it stick to rocks, WWF International said Tuesday.
"The more we look the more we find," said Stuart Chapman, WWF International coordinator for the study of the "Heart of Borneo," a 85,000-square-mile rain forest in the center of the island where several of the new species were found. "These discoveries reaffirm Borneo's position as one of the most important centers of biodiversity in the world."
Much of Borneo, which is shared by Indonesia, Malaysia and the sultanate of Brunei, is covered by one of the world's last remaining rain forests. Read more
Posted by
Arhan Efha
10:35 AM
Tuesday, January 2, 2007
Why did Indonesia support the Nuclear Iranian Proliferation? (2)
The indication not looked by eyes towards this West policy could be seen from the difference of the standard of the attitude and the intensity of the US manoeuvre in the nuclear North Korean crisis resolution.
For the USA, Iran as a nuclear strength bigger his danger towards the security complex and the Israeli security curtain, as the only nuclear strength in the Middle East, compared to North Korea.
The West concern based in the Ahmadinejad statement that wanted to "remove Isreal from the world map", that West that must "be responsible for the occurrence holocaust, not the Palestinian nation", that "one day later Israel will be destroyed"," et cetera.
The combination of the figure a person of Ahmadinejad with the nuclear Iranian strength, widely accumulated this concern.
West did not trust Iran if his capacity to enrich uranium in the level of the energy generator will stop at this level, but will be continued to engineer the nuclear bomb, one Charges that constantly it was denied by by Tehran.
Till at this time, the war vein-condition was increasingly intense. The USA not mengenyampingkan attack-sudden against Iran. On the other hand, if being attacked, Tehran stressed Iran will attack all the US interests all over the corner of the world and of course, Israel. US efforts in the UN Security Council to pass the resolution for Iran failed to get the round support. Currently, the solution towards the crisis experienced the impasse. The side's majority that quarrelled including Tehran, Washington, London and Paris saw that the diplomacy gap was still being open. The solution to the military will not resolve the problem.
Estimated if this military option was taken by the USA and his ally, his effect will really be different from the success of the attack-sudden action that was carried out by Israel towards nuclear Osirak facilities.
In the Osirak case, Iraq did not have kepabilitas the military that was adequate to do attack-returned towards the action punitive that was carried out by Israel because of being tired in the Iraq-Iran War.
By that, the internal support for Saddam Hussein's regime already terfregmentasi and not cohesive, as well as the absence of the strong ideological support.
Tehran apparently currently had all the aspects of the capability above.
In the case of this nuclear Iranian proliferation, the Indonesian position was enough dilematis.
This was caused by the level of the Indonesian dependence on West still was high on the one hand, whereas on the other hand, Indonesia was the country that had a population of the biggest Muslim majority in the world.
This position made Indonesia give the support that was conditional to Iran in his nuclear program.
Indonesia only supported Tehran to the best of this nuclear proliferation program only for the interests of peace that is as the source of alternative energy.
Jakarta did not support Tehran if this technology was developed into the nuclear bomb.
The support kondisional Indonesia was to prevent so that West not teralienasi.
On the other hand, if Jakarta refused the Iranian plan absolutely then the action could reduce the support of Moslems's majority for the government.
By that, supported the proliferation of Iranian peace also to have the strategic foundation because Indonesia will do the same thing with the same aim.
Afterwards, refused to support Tehran to cause difficulties for Indonesia to secure the fresh investment fund valuable around 600 million the US dollar in country sector given like with Iranian.
The last reason above was significant enough in influencing the Indonesian attitude.
Results of the survey that was dismissed by LP3ES, on April 24 2006, the production of Indonesian FUEL OIL 1,055 million barrel per the day.
Whereas the requirement for domestic Indonesian FUEL OIL for the daily reached 1,35 million barrel.
So, had the deficit around 300.
000 barrel per the day, that till at this time was covered with the import BBM. in the period 2000-2004, LP3ES predicted the loss cost resulting from the difference thought export-import that reached Rp.
12,2 trillion.
In this conflict, Indonesia also took the attitude refused the option or the military action against Iran.
Firstly, because of Indonesia still the trauma with pretext that was worn to attack and occupy Iraq that evidently did not find stock of weapons of mass destruction.
Jakarta worried the similar case could be repeated to Iran.
Secondly, this option could have a negative impact on the domestic Indonesian stability.
Thirdly, this action could make Indonesian efforts to become the mediator in various global rumours resulting from the incident on September 11 2001 more difficult.
The position and the attitude above perhaps has been in the point that was optimal in the context of Indonesian foreign policy.
This pragmatism beresonansi with the long creed Indonesian foreign policy that was introduced by Bung Hatta in 1948 that was "free" and "active".
"Free" here was not significant "neutral" or took the "distance that was same" in sharing the problem of the world, but "being active" in the contribution found the best solution, definitely in the continuity and Indonesian welfare.
To achieve the two last aims to raison d'etre from foreign policy of each country.
Gunaryadi, the Chairman of the Study Field of Social Science of Institute for Science and Technology Studies (ISTECS) the Netherlands; taught in the KBRI School in Wassenaar.
Posted by
Arhan Efha
4:37 AM
Friday, December 29, 2006
The winner of the olympic games Medal could testimonial
Jakarta -- Totalling 34 Indonesian students who succeeded in gaining the achievement in the international level was granted the sign of the honour of Satyalancana Wira the Work by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.
The gift that was same to the manager of the Team of Indonesian Physics olympic games (TOFI), Prof Dr Yohannes Surya.
This appreciation was handed directly over by the President in the Meeting agenda of the National Co-ordination (Rakornas) Revitalisation of Education, Bioenergy, and the Control of the Natural Disaster in Jakarta, on Monday (7/8).
The sign of this honour was in part accepted by Jonathan Pradana Mailoa that gained the gold medal and the Absolute Winner predicate in International Physics olympic games (IpHO) 37th in Singapore; Rudolf the P Bonay Sun, the student SMAN 5 Jayapura, Papua, that gained the appreciation of The First the Nobel Prize Step in the chemical field; and Anika Bowaire, the student of SMAN 1 Serui, Papua, that gained the appreciation of The First the Nobel Prize Step in the Physics field.
In his address, the President asked the achievement of these nation children to be imitated by the other student to promote Indonesia.
They 'this that will bring this country became developed countries', he said.
In the meantime, Education Minister, Bambang Sudibyo, said in fact his side has prepared the winner's 37 candidates of other olympic games to take part in getting the same gift.
However for reasons of technical, the 37 students were forced to not yet get the opportunity.
Mendiknas added, apart from granting them the sign of the honour, his plan of Depdiknas will make education hall of fame in the main building the Department of National Education.
In the place will be displayed photographs of the high-achieving students.
This 'as the form' of the 'honour at the same time the trigger' of the 'spirit for that was other', he said.
Posted by
Arhan Efha
11:46 PM
Why did Indonesia support the Nuclear Iranian Proliferation?
By Gunaryadi (
As being expected beforehand, from three main agendas the visit of Iranian President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to Indonesia on May 8-13 2006, that was most interesting in the media's circle and local politicians, regional, and international was around nuclear Iranian rumours. Two other important agendas were KTT D-8 fifth and the investment agreement and the sector co-operation of energy between Iran and Indonesia.
Confirmation President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono that KTT in this Bali was not dominated by the nuclear Iranian crisis more was the strategy of a statesman and gastheer (the host) to cool down the atmosphere.
Rumours of the nuclear Iranian proliferation program not a problem of the development of technology or the source of alternative energy, but penetrated ranah other that was wider that is geopolitics and the balance of the regional strength in the Middle East. The two last aspects, borrowed the terminology of Ben Tonra (2001), including in the domain of the security complex (security complex) and the security curtain (security overlay). Under Ahmadinejad that held the office of the president since 2005, West especially the USA worried Iran could lacerate the regional security curtain that for West was the cocoon that fortified the security complex that inside was related to the Israeli existence.
(To be Continued)
Posted by
Arhan Efha
1:02 PM